Cobalife Vitamin B12 + Selenium 500ml "SPECIAL ORDER ONLY - CONTACT CLINIC TO ORDER"
Vitamin B12 is essential for the synthesis of nucleoproteins and thus for the normal production of red blood cells.
Vitamin B12 deficiency results in reduced appetite and growth rates, ill thrift, infertility and reduced wool and milk production. Selenium deficiency can result in lameness, White Muscle Disease, reduced fertility and immunity, and reduced wool and milk production. Deficiency may occur at any stage of the year but is more likely to happen during stressful periods such as calving/lambing and growing periods of stock. Subcutaneous injection of Vitamin B12 and Selenium is the preferred method of preventing and correcting Vitamin B12 and Selenium deficiency.
Product Benefits
- Suitable for treating sheep and cattle
- Longer Acting - Contains Hydroxocobalamin. Hydroxocobalamin is a long acting type of Vitamin B12 compared to cyanocobalamin
- Easy inventory management - one product for both sheep and cattle
- Increased appetite in stock
- Reduce ill thrift
- Aids in recovery from facial eczema
- Sustains growth rates and milk production over peak production times
- Boosts energy
Active Constituent
Each mL contains Hydroxocobalamin (Vitamin B12) 2000µg (2mg) and Selenium (as sodium selenate) 4mg.
Dose Rate
Lambs: 0.5mL at marking and weaning time
Sheep: 1-1.5mL prior to mating and 4 weeks prior to lambing
Calves: 2-3mL at weaning and at three month intervals
Cattle: 4-6mL at mating time and prior to calving
Need and frequency for repeat injections depends on the age of the animal and level of cobalt deficiency being experienced. Do not exceed the stated dose or dose more frequently than every 3 weeks. Do not use at the same time as any other selenised fertiliser, pill or product without consulting a veterinarian.